Friday, 31 July 2015

PDF⋙ Anger Antidotes: How Not to Lose Your S#&! by Ian Brennan

Anger Antidotes: How Not to Lose Your S#&! by Ian Brennan

Anger Antidotes: How Not to Lose Your S#&!

Anger Antidotes: How Not to Lose Your S#&! by Ian Brennan PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Strategies for living a crisis-free life in an imperfect world.

Anger is at the root of most of the personal dilemmas we face. Frank, personal, and pithy, this book engages readers in a no-nonsense exploration of how we can effectively reach beyond ourselves to maintain calm in the face of crisis. The objective is to distill down to fundamental aspects the universal structures that form the basis of most human problems. It is usually our emotions that interfere with making sound choices. Thus, even the most learned individuals, who “know better,” are capable of making colossally stupid errors in judgment and conduct.

Presenting a range of deescalation techniques, each chapter has been concentrated into “mini- manuals” that in their totality contain a library’s worth of material. The left side of each two-page spread describes the anger trigger and the right side of the page spread contains the anger antidote. Topics covered include emotional immaturity, the absence of thought, extremes, inertia, reactor bait, and argument traps.

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