Raising Sweetness (Picture Puffin Books) by Diane Stanley
Raising Sweetness (Picture Puffin Books) by Diane Stanley PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
The lovable heroine of Saving Sweetness is back, and she's spunkier than ever! Fed up with the kindhearted sheriff's bumbling attempts to make a home for them, Sweetness and the other orphans decide that it's time to find the sheriff a wife. And when a mysterious letter arrives one day, Sweetness thinks it might hold the solution to their problems. Only problem is, none of them can read the letter to find out! So once again, it's up to Sweetness to save the day. With a rollicking rhythm and hilarious illustrations that capture the spirit of story, this is a sequel that's just as satisfying as the first book.From reader reviews:
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