Monday, 23 June 2014

PDF⋙ If the Buddha Had Kids: Raising Children to Create a More Peaceful World by Charlotte Kasl

If the Buddha Had Kids: Raising Children to Create a More Peaceful World by Charlotte Kasl

If the Buddha Had Kids: Raising Children to Create a More Peaceful World

If the Buddha Had Kids: Raising Children to Create a More Peaceful World by Charlotte Kasl PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The bestselling If the Buddha . . . series continues with some Zen wisdom for frantic parents

In an age when so many kids seem to be glued to video games and eating fast food dinners on the way to a soccer game, author Charlotte Kasl urges parents to step back and examine what is important in their lives, and to take the time to truly get to know their children. Using spiritual guidelines as well as practical advice, Kasl encourages parents to raise their children to be peacemakers in a turbulent world. Like her previous Buddha titles, If the Buddha Had Kids includes exercises for readers to apply to their own lives, and is filled with wonderful quotes that will inspire readers and keep them coming back to this book for advice as their children grow older.

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If the Buddha Had Kids: Raising Children to Create a More Peaceful World by Charlotte Kasl EPub

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