Microcomputers And Microprocessors: The 8080, 8085 and Z-80 Programming, Interfacing and Troubleshooting by John E. Uffenbeck
Microcomputers And Microprocessors: The 8080, 8085 and Z-80 Programming, Interfacing and Troubleshooting by John E. Uffenbeck PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
An introduction to microprocessors, updated to cover recent models. Designed as a first course in microcomputers, this new edition covers the hardware and machine language software of the 8080/8085 and Z-80 8-bit microprocessors. It explores various aspects of microcomputer technology using examples of 8080/8085 and Z-80 applications. There is material on 5-1/4" and 3-1/2" floppy disk drives as well as double density and RLL encoded hard drives, and the transition from 8-bit to 16-bit technology - the 16-bit technology chapter covering the 80286, the 80386, the 803860SX and 80486. The book also provides coverage of the Intel and Zilog programmable peripheral controller chip.From reader reviews:
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