Bad Boy (Scottish Highlands) (Volume 5) by janet elizabeth henderson
Bad Boy (Scottish Highlands) (Volume 5) by janet elizabeth henderson PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
A Bad Boy trying to be good, a Good Girl driven to be bad and a five year old who wants to rule the world... Being good is so freaking hard. And boring. Flynn Boyle has only been doing it for a couple of hours and already he's had enough. For some reason everybody thinks he's out of control when all he's doing is living his life, having fun and trying to get over an injury that's ruined his soccer career. Now he's being blamed for the fact Abby's family want to take her kid from her. He's got one week to prove he isn't a bad influence on Abby or her terrorist child. If he screws this up Abby loses the kid and Flynn loses his chance to get into his sexy neighbor's bed. He's never backed away from a challenge--on the field or off. He can be good for one damn week...maybe...hopefully...From reader reviews:
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